Friday, August 7, 2009

Roaring River Youth Jam

I took the girls down to the Roaring River Youth Jam for some free fun. Whitney had to paint faces as one of the activities so I dropped her off and the girls and I set out for some fun.

Brinley is the hula hoop queen. She can go for ever. I have never been coordinated enough to accomplish such an amazing feat. Here she is holding a ballon eating an otter pop and doing her thing!

The National Guard brought their climbing wall and the girls gave their best effort. They had to climb to the top and push a red button and a horn would go off. Brinley is pushing the button and posing at the top.

Brielle couldn't stand in line that long for the wait so she ran off and did two crafts with some of the girls from our neighborhood. When it was our turn I ran to get her and I thought maybe she would decide not to do it. She left her stuff and came over to be harnessed up. She got to the top and sounded the horn. She was really quick for having some far stretches to reach. To see them climb was worth the two hours that we were there. Most of the activities are so wet and messy you can't possibly carry them around in the wind. Nothing survived the trip home. They need to think of dry activities to put together. Oh well they enjoyed making some of the stuff.

1 comment:

Lanie said...

What fun! I am glad you all had a good time. Sorry to hear about the crafts not making it home.