Sunday, January 31, 2010

19 Things We Love About Spencer

1. He's not confrontational.
2. When you go anywhere with him you are guaranteed to run into somebody who knows him.
3. How he used to try to use big words as a little kid and slaughter the English language.
4. He has a tender heart and feels for the underdog.
5. He loves motorcycles and knows how to fix them.
6. He loves snowboarding.
7. When he's interested in something he learns about it with a passion.
8. He's not perfect but he's not a hypocrite to save face.
9. I love his subtle laugh! It's contagious.
10. He can tell a good joke or story. I loved how he use to tell us Chuck Norris jokes
11. He is a hard worker and not afraid of work.
12. He's a good scout, he is always prepared. His grandpa and dad taught him well.
13. He is reliable.
14. He is a loyal friend.
15. He's charitable. He is always helping someone out in need.
16. I like his taste in music. He always likes something before it becomes popular.
17. How he can cook good burgers and steaks.
18. I like his sense of humor to stir away anger.
19. We love him because he is who is. No one is going to change him. Except for maybe the girl he falls in love with.

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