Sunday, February 8, 2009

Rick Spencer and Whitney Climb Mary's

Spencer, Rick and Whitney had beautiful weather and a day to enjoy the snow. With the need for adventure they decided to take their boards on their backs and hike up Mary's.

No chairlifts here in the back country. The hike took about an hour as they trudged in knee deep snow. You didn't want to get off the packed trail or you would sink into waist high snow.

All these pictures were taken with Rick's Iphone. Now that his camera is always with him we have definitely collected more pictures of activities.

Thankful for another adventurous soul who took their picture. Kristin was carpooling kids to birthday parties and received this text and picture on her phone. "Wish you were here!" I love technology.

1 comment:

Jensen said...

Sounds like it was a lot of fun!