Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy 11th Birthday Brinley

You know your kids are getting older if all they want for there birthday is clothes. We went shopping the night before and she picked out four outfits from Aeropostale. I have to say I love the prices better then the other stores. We then found matching jewelery and flip flops.

11 Things We love About Brinley

1. She is smart like her dad.
2. She has amazing hair. She will never have a bad hair day.
3. She can draw the cutest things like smiley faces and frogs. She can create the cutest things out of anything. She made animals and people out of tootsie roll brand fruities.
4. She loves her dad. Whenever she needs anything or has a problem or concern she always goes to her dad.
5. She's a math whiz! Her ISAT scores prove it and the other day she was adding the total of our bakery bill faster then the college aged girl could.
6. She is not consumed about what others think. She doesn't have to be in or popular.
7. She's loyal. She has the same friends since preschool and kindergarten. But she doesn't have to be with them 24/7.
8. She is becoming an accomplished piano player.
9. She has an amazing memory and can remember songs and stories and repeat them word for word.
10. She knows right from wrong and feels the Holy Ghost prompt her.
11. She has a beautiful singing voice but you won't hear it very often. She is still shy even though she can be the loudest child in our house some days.

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