Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Whitney Returns Home From Paris

Whitney had a wonderful time in Paris. Lucky! She loved all of the architecture and how everything was so old. She loved their crepes and introduced to our family Nutella. We ate it for about a month making crepes. Shopping was fun. She went to her favorite store H&M. Someday they will have one closer to us. The Louvre, Versailles, and Notre Dame, were amazing. Areva rolled out the red carpet and treated them all like royalty and showered them with tons of wonderful gifts. They loved seeing the countryside while riding the TGV (high velocity train). The George Besse Facility was impressive and gave them confidence of what will be built here at the Eagle Rock Facility. They went to a crocodile farm after meeting with the mayor of the city of Pierelatte. The funny and surprising part of the whole trip was when they got to Paris she witnessed how crazy they drive. They just pull into a spot and bump back and forth like bumper cars when they try and parallel park. She thought they were worse then the students in the student parking lot at Idaho Falls High School. That's saying something since we have had three incidents this year with our vehicles! As soon as they got off the plane camera crews were there to ask them questions. They didn't take into consideration they had all been up for 24 hours and were sleep deprived and wanted to take a shower and go to bed. Whitney was interviewed and when we watched it on the news we were surprised how well she did. She was surprised as well since she doesn't remember what she said, it was all a blur. A few days later they had a press conference with the mayor and it was quite impressive. I am amazed at the talent and quality of these kids I am glad they are our future we need them. Tonight they will present again as they meet with the Idaho American Nuclear Society at a dinner.

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