Sunday, October 12, 2008

8 is Great! Brielle Gets Baptized

Brielle was baptized by her dad on October 11th. It was a wonderful day to celebrate with family and friends. It's pretty rewarding to see the last one get baptized. Are we really getting that old?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

There's No Question Vote For Preston

Preston decided to run for 7th grade office. This picture depicts the way he felt the night before. It was a great experience and a lot of fun to make his posters. We made up a rap and he performed it for his speech. Spencer dressed him in gangsta clothes and a huge necklace it was pretty hilarious. He did a great job! We copied the Taco Bell rap from the drive in commercial. He didn't win but he had a lot of fun and is excited to try out again in the spring.

His posters were pretty hilarious thanks to Print Shop and a mom with too much time on her hands. Bethany his cousin ran as well so Kristin and Amy had a good time scheming and making posters together.